We started with an energetic game of wolf tag in the woods, then, the challenge to build a head shelter (covering head and shoulders) in 10 minutes that was capable of keeping one lucky teenager dry for the equivalent of a heavy rain shower. Challenge was passed….mostly! The fire was soon roaring and we learnt a little about the sweet chestnut and a short story of the Tree of 100 horse in Scilly, 58m in circumference!! Then onto a long desired project…..A TREEHOUSE!! We set to choosing a tree and sawing some fallen sweet chestnut to length and planning out or foundations, while others enjoyed free play then painted and carved some beautiful crafts.
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We had a new game of robins and ice sprites up in the woods before heading down to camp and getting one of the quickest, brightly burning fires going in under 6 minutes. After a snack and a story we had some self directed time out of which emerged some new shelter frames and some whittling.
Then we brought our focus to fire. Different tinders and a variety of ways to ignite fire. The intention is to develop this as a project through the rest of this term. We had various missions and crafts on the go this morning... from processing more acorns from which to make bread next week, to making acorn ink over the fire and creating a host of clay creatures!
We enjoyed our usual morning routine of warm up games, gathering and sharing what we are thankful for and then heading down to our holly camp to create a fire, snack and story. After the story, about half the group headed off for a wandering day on the other side of the forest. This was full of games, such fun playing wolves and deer in the bracken and heather. We found a real sun spot for lunch and some of us even ventured down to the stream...
The other half had time to explore, build and create at our camp. Those who chose to also had the option to engage with processing a rabbit that had been offered to the group to learn from. The respect and gratitude they showed was truly beautiful. Such a spacious, rich, joyful day full of learning, experimenting and feasting. Vicky and Ed's group processed the acorns they had leeched since last month into a scrumptious acorn chocolate brownie cake.
Feathers and Jill offered a session to all the children who wanted to on honouring life and death through the gift of a few rabbits. It was beautiful how respectfully they all engaged in this and how much gratitude was expressed for life and for all our relations that support our lives. |
AuthorsVictoria Mew, Founder of Cultivating Curiosity Archives
November 2017